Ok, so I am member of the Hi5 craze too, just for the fun of it, I know I am too old for that but what the heck. Anyway, ever since this whole madness started, every party/outing you go to everyone has a camera even the guys, people are snapping away on their digicam. They go out on Saturday, by Monday their Hi5 pages would have been updated, if you did not apply your matrix skills, your face will be there too.
But the thing I find hilarious about the site, is that I get alot of Lo5s (DEFINITION - Guys who send me messages claiming, they love me and want me to call them, all because of my pictures). These guys mail me all their contact numbers, their msn and yahoo id for me to add to my IM. Are they for real?
Checking my email today and I saw I have a message from some Itunnu guy on Hi5. To my surprise, I saw the longest message (which I could not even read, it does not look like it made sense). This is what Itunnu sat and typed to me all because of Hi5 oh! Am I meant to actually reply this?
From: Itunnu To: WonderWoman Subject: To one i love
Glory be to almighty GOD,hope u are felling better?likewise I over here.Infact I really need you and I don't even know where to explain my fellings to you.Anyway I speak with my tongues and of angel ,but have not love I have become sounding bress or a clanging cymbal and though I have all the gift of prophecy and understand all my stories and all knowledge and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains but have not LOVE am nothing and I bestow all my good to feed the poor and I give my body to be
burned but have not LOVE ,its profits me nothing .LOVE suffers long and is kid,LOVE does not envy,LOVE does parade itself ,its not puffed up ,does not behave rudely,does not seek its own,its not provoked think no evil or records.does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth beal all things believes all things,hope all things endures all things Love never fails.But whether there are prophecies they will fail whether theres knowledge it will vanish away.For we know in part and prophecy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. so pls reply to
me. stay cool u can send me here[god4real_20042005@yahoo.com] byeeeeeee
Erm, am I meant to actually reply this?