My life....

...The Amazing life of a Young Adult. Adventures & Escapades of a mini-socialite. Life as I know it.

Location: London, United Kingdom

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Thank you, I got tagged!

Can I just say a big thank you to everyone who's left me a comment on Lack of inspiration. I have taken everything into consideration and I will definately act on it, though I know all these already, I guess I am just fed-up with the direction my life is going. But I am ever so grateful for the kind words I recieved, God bless you all.

So, while I was dwelling in self pity, I got tagged, thanks to Onada, by the way babe, hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday. Once again wishing you the very best in everything and love you to bits. Anyway, I got tagged thanks to her, but here goes.....

If I tag you, you have to do the following:
1. The tagged victim must come up with 10 different points of their perfect lover.
2. Need to mention gender of target.
3. Tag 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment saying they've been tagged.
4. If tagged again, there's no need to post a 2nd time.

Lol, due to the type of men I have met in London, I gave up on requiremnets ages ago. But I guess every girl is allowed to have wants - empty desires, and fairy tales and hey, you never know....

MyPerfect Lover
  1. He must be God fearing. (It's very important for him to believe in my Father and that He's greater than him)
  2. He must be very intellectual and less intimidated by my eduucational background and yes my upbringing and my future ambitions.
  3. He must not be judgemental. (I have a lot of beautiful minded friends & families with dirty characters and I cant stop being there for them cos I have a man)
  4. He must be accomodating. (I am a semi-perfectionist and I pass gas alot etc)
  5. He must have dated less than 10 girls in his lifetime, not counting secondary school days. (I don't like guys that date every girl they meet. Must you go out with everyone?)
  6. He must speak good english. ( You'll be surprised how many guys cant speak good english due to pigeon english)
  7. He must not be controlling. (We have plenty of them here in London)
  8. He must be a joker that I can understand and read very well.
  9. He must have a great sense of style and ready to learn new things.
  10. He must understand and be able to afford my needs for designer items and top of the range sport cars.

Phew, I got carried away there, but you never know sha, abeg. Dear God, if there is a man like this out there for me, please Father, I am ready to meet him. Thank You Lord.

So, now i have to name people I will tag

  1. ToyinE
  2. LondonBuki
  3. Nkem
  4. Belle in the City
  5. "O"
  6. Olawunmi

Ok, I cant think again and precise, 6, 8 there isn't much difference.


Blogger LondonBuki said...

Re: Ur previous post - All will be well with you (Amen)

I just saw that you tagged me so it looks like I have no choice now!!! hahaha...

I'll do it 2moro, I am ready for bed!

Take care and try to stay positive.

12:28 AM  

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