My life....

...The Amazing life of a Young Adult. Adventures & Escapades of a mini-socialite. Life as I know it.

Location: London, United Kingdom

Friday, March 17, 2006


Read Onada's entry today on Get your money right, and it made me think about my darling Mumma.

My Mumma started dating my father right after their secondary school days (they attended the same school) and they lived together during their university years in london (meanwhile, she'll shoot me if I told her I was living with a guy while at uni). After 10 years of living together and doing what couples do, they eventually got married. Unfortunately for Mumma, she got the wrong end of marriage. Her In-laws (in the shape of my Father's Sister) did not like her, Mumma's parents were much richer than father's, the Inlaws thought my Mumma was too spoilt, though to be honest with you, Mumma is quite spoilt even up to now, there are some things she comes up with and I feel like shaking her, like how spoilt are you?

As for Father, he was a real man as in his eyes were always wandering even up to now, so I guess it came as no surprise to Mumma when she discovered that he had other kids outside and her Inlaws wanted her out, and to make matters worse, Father somewhat listened to his older sister alot. And in no time, things started going downhill from there. The beatings and slaps started too and in no time it became a regular activity in the house.

After giving my Father 4kids, Mumma found the strength to leave Father, without turning back or battering an eyelid. But when she left, she left with nothing, no clothes, no house in Lagos, no business, nothing. She had to start building her life from scratch again at the age of 40+ all because she did not really secure her financial future incase things go wrong.

Now she has progressed alot in life, but she can not think of retiring anytime soon and she's 54yrs old. To this day she regrets leaving everything to the last minute while she was still with my Father, she regrets going through him for any financial decision she wanted to make.

But I thank God for the experience she had to go through growing up with Father and the lessons she learnt because it reflects alot in my upbringing and she's ever ready to set me back on track whenever I am derailing.


Blogger Onada - Fashion and Photography said...

You learn from your mothers experiences and i'll learn from mine. Puts us at a better advantage to secure our own futures - man or no man. Remember times have changed drastically from what it was when our mothers were younger.

4:21 AM  
Blogger bibi said...

nicely said...we all learn everyday in life from past experiences....these experiences make us grow stronger..

4:56 PM  

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